
Enroll a new borrower on Defacto.

This API will create a borrower and a credit line for this borrower. More information in the behavior section below.

Timeout: 30 seconds (status code will be 504 in such a case)

Required data

Borrower must be a commercial company -> eg. in France needs to be registered at an RCS.

If the borrower repays by direct debit, the following information are mandatory:

  • the director’s personal information: Name, birth date, nationality, email address and country of residence of the managing director
  • The IBAN of the borrower (please make sure that the borrower is aware that direct debit is used as the repayment method).

We strongly recommend that you fill up all the information when you can, even on the sandbox. For French borrowers, we manage to pull most of the director information automatically, however for other countries, this might not be the case. For the borrowers that Defacto is not able to fetch the mandatory data, you need to provide them to ensure borrower creation. Otherwise the API will return a 400 error and list the values that it could not obtain.


This API endpoint creates a borrower in our system, configures our system to get the repayment of the loan, evaluates the maximum amount of money we can lend to this company and creates a credit line for this borrower. After the credit line is created for this borrower, you can get it with GET /credit-lines?borrower=.
Synchronous and asynchronous behaviors are offered.

Synchronous behavior:

  • Set 'wait_for_ready': true to activate it
  • You can GET /credit-lines?borrower= and request a loan right after you received the answer from this API endpoint
  • Response takes from 4 to 8 seconds
  • The API answers after the solvency of the company is evaluated and the credit line is created, or returns an error.

Asynchronous behavior (default one):

  • Set 'wait_for_ready': false to activate it
  • Our system will evaluate the solvency of the company and create its credit line after answering the API call.
  • So, a loan cannot be requested right after this endpoint answers. You must wait for the creation of the credit line. To discover it, you can either subscribe to the CreditLine.CREATED webhook or regularly fetch GET /credit-lines?borrower=.
  • Response takes between 0.3 and 1.5 second.


Careful if you subscribe to the CreditLine.CREATED webhook!

If you subscribe to the webhook, please note that there is an inconsistency in the API at the moment. The webhook sends a borrower_id that does not correspond to the borrower id that you received with this endpoint (it's rather a business_id in our DB, that you cannot fetch).

So at the moment we recommend you to GET /credit-lines?borrower= for all borrowers waiting for a credit line when you receive the webhook event.

Currently, we don't support multiple repayment methods for one partner. To verify the repayment method configured for the borrower, you can request /credit_lines.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!