
Updates a loan.

  • When the loan is SUBMITTED or TO_VALIDATE, all the below fields can be updated.
  • When the loan is VALIDATED or SCHEDULED, the references and to_repay_at fields can be updated.
  • When the loan is TO_REPAY, only the to_repay_at change be changed. The earliest acceptable date being loan.earliest_to_repay_at.

This operation is not available when the loan is in another status.

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Path Params
Body Params
integer | null
Defaults to null

Loan amount in cents

Defaults to null

Defacto ID for the entity lending the money

object | null

Bank account receiving the money of the loan

array of strings | null
Defaults to null

References in the transfer of the loan payment, on the account receiving the money

object | null
string | null
Defaults to null

Payment method that should be used to repay this loan. Possible values: ['DIRECT_DEBIT', 'SCT']

array of strings

References in the transfer of the loan repayment, on the account receiving the money

date-time | null
Defaults to null

Loan disbursement estimated date

date-time | null
Defaults to null

Loan reimbursement estimated date

string | null
Defaults to null

URL of the contract for loans that have been transferred to another lender


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